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Canceling lessons & substitutions
Canceling lessons & substitutions

Canceling individual and group lessons, including rules on short notice cancellations and rescheduling

Updated over a week ago

Get familiar with the cancellation system in Fluentbe.
Depending on the different types of courses, procedures, and your access, they vary.
One rule for all courses, regardless of system capabilities, remains unchanged -

in Fluentbe, you can cancel a lesson up to 12 hours before its exact start time.

Individual course

1-to-1 lessons offer more flexibility than group lessons, allowing both students and teachers to cancel sessions within 12 hours of the scheduled time.

The cancellation status varies based on the timing of the cancellation.

Video tutorial:


Hello Teachers!

Today, we'll guide you through canceling a lesson with an individual student in a course.

Firstly, remember that you cannot cancel the first lesson in a course or any lesson in a group course.

We have two cancellation rules based on timing:

The first is If the cancellation occurs at least 12 hours before the scheduled lesson, it's considered a regular cancellation, with no sanctions for either party.

The second rule is if the cancellation happens less than 12 hours before the scheduled lesson, it's considered a late cancellation, and the side requesting the cancellation will face sanctions. If the student cancels, they lose the lesson from their package. If the teacher cancels, they have a class deducted from their salary.

With the rules clarified, let's proceed with the cancellation process:

Open your course list and find the one you need to make changes. Select the lesson you wish to cancel and open it in a new tab. On the right side, choose the 'canceled' status from the list. A new window will appear, prompting you to fill in four spaces:

Type: Select whether the cancellation request is from the teacher or the student.

Reason: Briefly state the cause of cancellation, visible later in the course view.

Comments: Provide additional details about the situation if necessary.

Custom Message: Use this space to leave a short message for the student, which they'll receive along with the email notification of the cancellation.

With everything filled out press save, the status changed accordingly.

Congratulations! You've successfully canceled the lesson. Now, you can schedule a new class using the 'new lesson' button.

At Fluent Be, we make English easy and fun!

Cancelation in due time (more than 12 hours) - teacher's request

  • Select the lesson that needs to be canceled

The lesson's view - cancelation status

Three statuses of cancelation of the singular lesson:

  • First lesson cancelation (number 6 in the screenshot)

  • Cancelation in less than 12 hours (number 7 in the screenshot)

  • Cancelation in due time (more than 12 hours) (number 14 in the screenshot)

Select 'cancelled' status (number 5 in the screenshot below)

First lesson cancelation

We have a strict policy of not canceling the first lessons but if the teacher has an emergency and can not conduct the lesson he/she needs to reach the office.

(number 6 in the screenshot below)

Cancelation in less than 12 hours - teacher's request

Any cancelation marked as a late event ends with a deduction. The process of canceling looks like this 👇

The proper type (number 7 in the screenshot) must be selected there are two of them:

  • Canceled by Teacher

  • Canceled by Student

Then, the reason (number 8 in the screenshot) and not obligatory but much appreciated the comment (number 9 in the screenshot) and custom message (number 10 in the screenshot) the last option sends the teacher's explanation to the student along with the notification of the canceled lesson.

Once the lesson is canceled the status (number 11 in the screenshot) will change and a comment will be added (number 12 in the screenshot).

The reason that the teacher left in the previous window will be seen in the course view (number 13 in the screenshot)

❗ Teacher shouldn't forget to mention the cancelation to their student in the 'messages' tab. ❗

Cancelation in due time (more than 12 hours) - teacher's request

The process is similar to the late cancelation with one crucial change the lesson won't be deducted from the teacher's salary.

This time the information about late canceling won't appear (screenshot below). Select the proper type, add a reason, and optionally fill in the comments and custom message.

Once everything is done the system will change the status to 'Canceled by Teacher' (number 14 in the screenshot)

Canceling a singular lesson - student's request

❗ Prompt the students to cancel the lesson themselves through the student space panel or Fluentbe app. If asked by students, the teacher can cancel the lesson for them. ❗

Cancelation in less than 12 hours - student's request

The case is the same as with the teacher's request but the teacher needs to change the type to 'Canceled by Student' (number 15 in the screenshot)

After clicking 'Save' the status will change to 'Cancelled by Student in less than 24h' (number 16 in the screenshot) which means that the lesson was taken out from the student's packages and the teacher will be paid for this lesson.

Cancelation in due time (more than 12 hours) - student's request

The process is similar to the late cancelation with one crucial change the lesson won't be taken out from the student's packages.

This time the information about late canceling won't appear (screenshot below). Select the proper type, add a reason, and optionally fill in the comments and custom message.

Once everything is done the system will change the status to 'Canceled by Teacher' (number 17 in the screenshot)

Lesson Rescheduling

Video Tutorial:


Hello Teachers!

Today, we'll guide you through changing the time of the lesson with the student in an individual course.

The process is straightforward:

Open your course list and find the one you need to make changes to. In the course view open the previous lesson, and change the status to ‘cancelled’. With the first lesson canceled locate the 'new lesson' button in the course view, select the appropriate time and date, and press save.

One important note: at Fluent Be, if there are less than 12 hours until the scheduled lesson, we do not allow changes in the date of a class. In such cases, the side that requested the change must cancel the lesson and face the consequences for late cancellation and if necessary schedule another at a different time.

Congratulations! You've successfully changed the date of your lesson.

At Fluent Be, we make English easy and fun!

Rescheduling a Lesson in more than 12 Hours

  1. If both you and the student agree to reschedule, follow the steps above to cancel the current lesson.

  2. Then, navigate to the course view with the student and use the 'Add new lesson' button to schedule a new lesson at the agreed-upon time

Important Reminder Always accurately reflect the circumstances when canceling lessons to avoid confusion. Choosing the "canceled by the student" status appropriately informs the student and maintains transparency.

Rescheduling a Lesson in Less than 12 Hours

There is no such a thing as rescheduling lessons less than 12 hours before the class starts

a request to reschedule lessons in less than 12 hours = a cancellation in less than 12h

  1. The side that requests to reschedule the lesson in less than 12 hours before it starts should cancel it in the system.

  2. Follow the steps mentioned earlier to ensure clarity and accuracy in the process.

  3. Even if the lesson was conducted later but still on the same day the first lesson is sanctioned for the side who requested the cancellation.

It's crucial to communicate effectively and adhere to policies. Informing the student promptly about our strict stance on lesson timing helps maintain professionalism and fosters mutual respect in the learning environment. Remember, even slight delays can disrupt schedules, so let's strive for punctuality & clear communication.

Group course

At Fluentbe, group classes are conducted at fixed times and schedules, which are strictly adhered to. It is imperative to conduct these sessions within the designated time frame.

❗ Which can not be changed in any way ❗

The procedures vary depending on two main types of group courses - business group course (marked with 💼 in the name) and regular group course (without any icon in the name).

Regular Group Course

Lessons of this type cannot be canceled or rescheduled by either you or your students in any way. Regardless of any communication attempts, it is not possible.

The schedule is fixed, and classes always take place at the same time.

However, if you cannot attend a lesson, you can request a substitute teacher up to 6 hours before the lesson starts. If a substitute cannot be found and the lesson is cancelled by the instructor in less than 12 hours, deductions may be applied to such a lesson.

Additionally, if substitutes become a regular occurrence in the course, the course may be transferred to another instructor. We aim for group courses to be conducted as frequently as possible by the same teacher.

Business Group Course (With 💼 in the Name)

While lessons adhere to a fixed schedule, unforeseen circumstances may necessitate changes. Here's a breakdown of the steps to navigate modifications in business group courses, divided into scenarios based on time constraints:

1. Changes with more than 12 hours until the lesson


If you find yourself unable to attend a lesson with more than 12 hours until its commencement, consider arranging for a substitute.

If substitutes become a regular occurrence in the course, the course may be transferred to another instructor. We aim for group courses to be conducted as frequently as possible by the same teacher.

Student Rescheduling Requests

In instances where students request rescheduling more than 12 hours before the lesson, direct them to send a group email to [email protected].

Our staff will provide them with your calendar to select an alternative lesson time.

2. Changes with less than 12 hours until the lesson

a request to reschedule lessons in less than 12 hours = a cancellation in less than 12h
If you are not able to conduct the lesson and:

  1. There are less than 6 hours -reach out to the office to cancel the lesson - it'll be a late cancellation from a teacher's side

  2. There are more than 6 hours-request a substitution (If the system won't find a substitute teacher 2 hours before a class starts, the lesson will be canceled in less than 12 hours)

Lessons canceled in less than 12 hours equals deduction.

If substitutes become a regular occurrence in the course, the course may be transferred to another instructor. We aim for group courses to be conducted as frequently as possible by the same teacher.


a request to reschedule lessons in less than 24 hours = a cancellation in less than 12h

If students are not able to join the lesson:

Students have to inform the office via mail at [email protected] with the request to cancel the lesson.

If they don't do it the lesson remains in the system and you have to be ready to conduct it in case students appear in the class - that way you'll avoid the 'no-show' status and deduction.

Requesting Substitution

❗ Remember that you can request a substitution only for the group courses max. 6 hours before the lesson starts. If there is less than 6 hours ask the Teacher's Support Team to cancel the lesson. Remember about the 12-hour rule

❗ Requesting the substitution does not mean that the class will take place if the system won't find a substitute teacher the class will be canceled with late notice and be deducted from your salary. ❗

Video tutorial

❗ Push the button 'course replacement' ONLY if you need to give away the course completely and permanently.

❗ If you need to request a replacement for lessons, just choose the lesson date and time and click 'submit'

Transcription of the video

  1. Head to the 'courses' tab on the left side of your screen and find the course you're interested in. Easy, right?

  2. Think about the specific days you need a substitution. For me, it's from the 16th to the 26th of February. Previously, it was a bit of a dance to request substitutions for each lesson, but fear not, the 'request substitution' button is now replaced with a shiny new 'find replacement' option in the course view.

  3. Now comes the best part! You can request a substitution for the whole month, just a day, or a few days scattered across different months. We're keeping it streamlined, so students get consistency with just one teacher during your absence. Win-win! 🎉

  4. Once you've made your choices and hit 'generate,' we'll work our magic to find a replacement teacher. And if it's a single substitution, let me pick the 9th of February, and that's it!

  5. Here's the real game-changer: you can now request a replacement for the entire course! Press 'course replacement,' choose the first lessons with the new teacher, et voilà, we'll handle the rest.


If there's a change in your plans, just hop on chat and let us know. We're here to make your life easier.

Cheers to smoother substitutions and happy teaching! 🚀

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