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This article addresses questions about no-shows, cancellations, and their consequences.

Updated over a week ago

Understanding the 24-Hour Rule

The cornerstone of our cancellation policy is the 24-hour rule.

This rule stipulates that students can cancel a lesson late, and teachers can request substitutions or cancel classes, provided it's done at least 24 hours before the scheduled lesson time. Last-minute cancellations not only disrupt schedules but also lead to frustrations and dissatisfaction for both parties involved.

The 24-hour rule entails

  1. Students are expected to cancel lessons within the designated timeframe.

  2. In the case of 1-on-1 lessons, if a student cancels late, they will be charged, and the teacher will be compensated for the entire class.

  3. Teachers are expected to request substitutions for group lessons or cancel individual classes within the specified timeframe

Deductions from Salary: Under What Circumstances?

As per the contractual agreement between teachers and Fluentbe, deductions from a teacher's salary may occur under the following circumstances:

  • Failure to attend a scheduled lesson.

  • Late cancellation of a class with less than 24 hours' notice, unless due to force majeure.

Exceptions are made for situations of force majeure, which are beyond the control of either party. Common examples of force majeure events include:

  1. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or tornadoes

  2. Acts of terrorism or war that disrupt normal operations.

  3. Power outages or infrastructure failures that render performance impossible.

Procedure for clarifying deductions

In the event of a no-show or a late cancellation, the system will notify the teacher about the deduction. The teacher must contact the office team promptly and explain the situation.

To request a waiver of the deduction, teachers must submit evidence of force majeure within three days.
This evidence may include an official doctor's document or documentation from an authorized organization regarding incapacity for work due to illness, with the date corresponding to the scheduled lesson.

Fluentbe will review the situation and the provided documentation, with a response provided within 14 days.

Explanations Not Acceptable

The following explanations will not be accepted for waiving deductions:

  • Evidence of force majeure lacking a date.

  • Evidence of force majeure with a date different from the scheduled lesson.

  • Situations where cancellations could have been made in due time (e.g., illness with prior notice).

Tips for Avoiding Deductions

  • Keep your calendar updated to manage bookings effectively.

  • Ensure professional obligations do not conflict with Fluentbe lessons.

  • Plan ahead for travel or family events to accommodate potential delays.

  • Prioritize self-care, including taking time off in case of illness.

At Fluentbe, we prioritize transparency and fairness in our policies, aiming to create a conducive learning environment for both students and teachers. If you have further inquiries or require clarification on any aspect of our policy, please do not hesitate to reach out. Together, let's foster a supportive and enriching educational experience.


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